Comic-Con 2017 has ended
avatar for Christa Winkler

Christa Winkler

self employed
San Diego, California
Sidenote: I am absolute CRAP at replying to email. Always. Any email. I just suck at it, seriously.

PASSIONS: Music, comic books (Lady Death especially), making costumes (for personal use, mainly :), Battle of the Planets/G-Force/Gatchaman, cartoons, action figures, reading, Guild Wars, Second Life (ID: Auburn Frenzy), driving nowhere in particular with the windows down, dressing up in my superhero costumes and having light saber wars with my nephew, big full dresses, Colorado, herbs and spices, music, sunshine, windy days, Wonder Woman underoos/accessories and boots, finding a forgotten carton of ice cream in the freezer, cashews, Home Depot, Pat Catan's, iPods, bleeding-heart liberals, beef jerky, newly sharpened pencils, my dog Vegas (rescued greyhound), my daughter, her cat Reno (she wasn't supposed to stay but you know how that goes), Pirates, the REAL Vegas, Chinese characters/artwork, working on my house, amnesty, carrying oneself with grace, style & class, borrowing lines from movies and tv, inane trivia, Scrabble, independence, a good stiff gimlet after a rough day, thunderstorms, a good work ethic, self-reliance, the color red, being short, looking 29 thanks to meticulous/manic skin care, drummers, tech pens, $100 knives, open-mindedness, hammocks, meat and cheese plates, boots, having my own career/goals/opinions/money/life, label-makers, garlic bread, eyeglasses, bulk shopping, spur of the moment mini-vacations, dressing up & being shown off, grape juice, sleeping in the grass & waking up burned, Waterhouse-type femininity, teeny-tiny boxes, spicy food (hella spicy), lingerie, stealing office supplies, bacon, my crappy little car, educated opinions, expensive perfumes, pumpkin bread, intelligence, martinis, mac & cheese, long eyelashes, Penn Dutch markets, mom & pop butcher shops, faces with character, overbites, underbites, imperfect teeth, fairness, equality, the freedom to maintain my own identity.